brand experience

A Brand Experience Builds Customer Connections that Last

When building a brand, an eye-catching logo and a snappy tagline are often not enough to stand out from the rest. To improve sales, businesses now must consider how brand experience influences customer loyalty.

What is a Brand Experience?

Brand experience is the sum of all the interactions a consumer has with a company. It is the emotional feelings developed throughout the buyer’s journey during and after marketing campaigns.

A graphic of a group of people engaging in a brand experience.

How to Create Memorable Brand Experiences

Know your Target Audience

One of the biggest keys to a building a better brand experience is knowing exactly who your brand is most likely to attract. Once you have identified your target audience, you can create more personalized marketing campaigns that will better resonate with those people who are ready to purchase your products or services.

Connect on an Emotional Level

The world’s most valuable brands are highly-recognizable, because they succeed at connecting with customers on an emotional level. Through marketing tactics, like brand storytelling, they work to create a three-dimensional brand, which is memorable for more than what it is selling.

Apple is a good example of how emotion can be used in marketing a product. Its PC vs. Mac ads used real people to personify a frustrated PC user. This series of TV ads advanced the idea that Apple products made customers more content.

A graphic of a man immersed in a brand experience.

Be Human

The PC vs. Mac ads also illustrate the point that consumers today thirst for human interactions in marketing and advertising. Whether you are focused on social media marketing, blogging or another type of inbound marketing, a brand experience that has a human side often creates better results.

6 Ways to Humanize your Brand

  • Touch the heart
  • Make consumers laugh
  • Make people think
  • Help them learn
  • Provide Inspiration
  • Challenge them to do more

Be Fun

Just because your industry is serious doesn’t mean your marketing has to be. From sports marketing to health care, light-hearted digital campaigns are used to leave a positive impression on potential customers. Today, even accounting firms have found success posting funny memes on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

A graphic of customers discussing brand experience.

Listen to what your Customers are Saying

Finally, as you work to enhance your brand experience, pay attention to what is being said online. There’s a lot that can be learned from customer reviews and social media monitoring. Through these positive and negative reactions, you might then be able to gain insight into how your marketing tactics were received. Then, you can use that information to create stronger marketing campaigns in the future.

Although brand experience isn’t a measurable marketing metric, it’s a concept that contributes heavily to building a base of loyal customers that return time after time.

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brand experience, branding, branding strategy, digital marketing, inbound marketing, strategy
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