To generate the most inbound marketing leads, businesses have gone mobile. With mobile marketing targeted to smartphones, tablets and more, it’s possible to increase sales by getting right into the hands of potential clients.
5 Mobile Marketing Tactics for Boosting Business
1) Optimize Content for Mobile Audiences
Readers typically spend just a few minutes on each piece of content they read, so it is imperative you quickly get to the point.
It’s important to put the most pertinent information first, because many readers will not make it to the bottom of the page.
Writing a descriptive title or headline is the first step to enticing mobile readers who are trying to decide if reading your content is worth their time. Then, use subheads, photos and concise writing to keep your pages easily digestible.
2) Create Simple Calls-to-Action
Calls-to-action (CTAs) are an important player in the process of generating new leads. Just any old “click here” button simply won’t do. When CTAs are viewed on both mobile devices and desktop computers, the size, shape, color and wording all play an important roles in increasing the click rate.
CTAs that are simple and attractive gain the most leads on mobile devices. The font type must be clear and readable. After readers are attracted by the size, shape and color of the button, it’s the text’s job is to close the deal in just a few actionable words.
3) Build Dynamic and Progressive Forms
Once you’ve gained a prospect’s attention on mobile, don’t make the mistake of making them wait. It’s easy to lose mobile marketing leads by not building user-friendly forms. Your fields may be too small or the forms may be too long.
Keep in mind, forms that save the user time and energy often have the best results.
4) Offer Discounts to Drive Sales and Increase Contacts
Offering discounts to mobile users on your website is another way to increase contacts and sales. To achieve the best results, optimize your site for mobile with responsive web design services.
Additionally, social media networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, allow businesses to publish offers to their large mobile audience.
But, mobile marketing does one more important thing, too.
Promo or coupon codes allow you to measure the effectiveness of your mobile presence. For example, if you create a discount code that is exclusively available to mobile users, you can track how many conversions come from these types of devices.
5) Always Make Your Phone Number Clickable
Mobile phone users move at a face pace. They are quick to act and even quicker to move on to whatever is next.
That’s why it’s important to have a user-friendly site with all pertinent information available at visitors’ fingertips. A clickable phone number also eliminates a step required of the customer, which makes them less likely to move on to something else.
By following these five tips, your mobile marketing campaigns will become more and more effective at generating leads in a mobile customer base that has swelled to nearly 70 percent of Americans.