content strategy

Don’t Let your Content Strategy Get Stuck in a Niche

Marketing pros specialize in writing about content strategy. They blog about everything from search engine optimization to conversion rates, but seldom leave this niche.

As they preach to choir, marketers may wonder why their content is stale and their audience isn’t growing. One of the reasons for this problem that they are focused solely on one subject.

The Benefits of Expanding your Content Strategy Horizons

content strategy

There’s no unwritten rule that marketing blogs can only cover topics that reveal the tricks of the trade.

Variety, the spice of life, is an effective content strategy.

Writing blogs and social posts about topics, like entrepreneurship or self-improvement, can be a smart way to appeal to a broader audience.

Increased Audience Size and Participation Level

Marketing blogs often develop a loyal following, but they find it difficult to expand past a certain point. After a while, they may even experience diminishing returns on the content they publish.

One of the mistakes often made is writing exclusively to a narrow target audience.

Instead of talking to the same readers over and over again, producing content outside of an established niche is another way to attract new audiences.

An Opportunity to Learn New Thingscontent strategy

Marketers who write blogs about topics like social media marketing and keyword research quickly become well-versed on such subjects. But unfortunately, their enrichment is limited to marketing topics.

By expanding a content strategy into other topics, readers, writers and editors gain the opportunity to also learn more about related topics. For example, followers of a marketing blog might also be interested in content about how to start or manage a business.

A Chance to Express Yourself

Marketing content can easily become very formulaic. It appears on Twitter, one list blog after another, lulling readers to sleep.

A strategy for keeping things fresh is to publish content readers might not expect. For example, a blog about the benefits of reading.

Recharges your Batteries

Since publishing is now fast and easy, marketers are producing more content than ever before. However, covering the same subject constantly can become monotonous. Writing about a different subject can feel like a much-needed vacation.

Since there’s nothing worse than getting caught in a rut, every marketer can benefit from mixing up their content strategy.

content strategy

content marketing, content strategy, strategy
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