We’ve talked a lot about responsive web design in the past, but did you know that there are also responsive search ads? In fact, Google has begun to test a tool that gives publishers more flexibility with their ad formats. However, it doesn’t matter that they’re still in beta—these ads will be making huge waves in digital advertising soon enough.
What are Google’s New Responsive Search Ads Exactly?
Essentially, responsive search ads allow advertisers to use multiple different headlines and descriptions for a single ad. Then, Google will automatically use machine learning to continually test them in order to find the best possible combination.
All in all, you can use as many as 15 different headlines and up to four different descriptions for your Google advertisements. Altogether, your ad can be arranged in over 43 thousand permutations. However, each ad can only show a maximum of three headlines and two 90-character descriptions at one time.
After testing various headline and description options, Google can even determine which combinations pair best with different search queries.
The Essential Benefits of Responsive Search Ads
Staying Flexible
Just like responsive web design adapts to whichever screen format it’s on, so too can responsive search ads. It doesn’t matter the width, length or device type, these advertisements provide a prime opportunity to share your message with more users.
Casting a Wider Net
Since there are so many possible permutations (43,680 to be exact), your ads have the potentially to reach a wider, more targeted audience. Multiple headline and descriptions pairings will help you compete in more auctions and match a greater number of queries.
Saving More Time
Perhaps the biggest benefit of all are responsive search ads’ time-saving element. Since Google will automatically test these different combinations, you will be able to spend time on more pressing matters. Your days of never-ending tinkering and A/B testing are over for good!
Improved Performance
Like we said, responsive search ads tend to help ads compete in more auctions on Google. Therefore, since you will start to get picked up for new clicks and conversions, the overall performance of your ad groups will improve.
Responsive search ads are the newest advertising tool in Google’s arsenal—and they’re here to stay. Therefore, try to learn as much as you can now before beta is over and they’re released to everyone!