why a logo

Why A Logo Is Important To Your Business

Why A Logo Is Important

How many times have you been in a conversation and you are trying to describe a company, a product, or even both and their name or logo just keeps slipping your mind. Maybe you only remember bits and pieces of the logo or a certain thing about it, but not enough to put it all together and remember what it is. I’ve had it happen a ton of times to me and this is usually because the company does not have a logo that is memorable and stands out in your mind. This is why a logo is important and crucial to building your business’s identity. Designing and finding the perfect logo should be like a first date and certain things should be kept in mind when doing this Don’t Rush It– When you’re preparing for a first date you don’t rush? You take time and prepare for it over a spread amount of time. You don’t wait till the day before to go buy an outfit and then rush buying it because the barber or salon is closing soon and you need to get a haircut. A Logo is the same DONT RUSH IT! Take time sketch out many ideas and designs before picking one. Just because you sketched one and loved it does not mean it is the right one; take your time with this process. Don’t Wimp Out– The day is almost here and you’re figuring out where to go to dinner. He or she might even be “the one”, are you going to take him/her to a nice elegant restaurant or McDonald’s. Same goes for a logo, yes logos may be a bit costly at the start and may even be more then you were looking to spend. Of Course you can find competitors that offer incredibly low prices for designs, but this is usually because they skip the first part and rush the design. Don’t Wimp Out, the logo will wind up paying for itself before you know it and might even be with you forever. Make it Memorable– As the saying goes “there are plenty of fish in the sea” and this is true in everything in life, this is why you need to stand out. Making a memorable first impression will last a life time for someone and help them to never forget that day or night. A logo should be the same, make it memorable, and make it easy to remember (KISS-Keep It Simple, Stupid!). If you can manage to do all that you will make a great first impression that will last a life time. Be Proud– The night went great, you laughed, had the time of your life, and where able to offer a great experience. Be Proud! Same for a logo, you’ve done it; you have a logo, and love it. Be proud of it and stand by it, it is now your business’s new identity. Before you even talk to a design professional about logo design think about a few key things: What does the name of your business say about what you do? What doesn’t it say? Does your company have a tag-line or slogan that goes along with your company name? What is your target demographic? Who are your current customers and who are you not reaching? These questions will help you think about both the aesthetic or your logo and goals of your branding strategy. Hopefully this helped you to gather some more information on why a logo is important. If you have any further questions feel free to contact us! -Fat Guy Media Team

brand identity, why a logo is important
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