If you are looking for an expert opinion on web design, or considering getting a redesign, you will probably consult a web designer. They will help you work through a color scheme for your site, pitch ideas about layouts and talk about some of the design trends in your industry. They are extremely helpful and will give you expert advice and a site you can be proud of (but they are not the only people who can give you advice on web design). Great web design takes a little more than that.
The 3 Steps to Great Web Design
In short, a website is a sales tool for your business which means that your site will probably share some characteristics with the sales process. And, if you know that process backwards and forwards, you will be able to have a much more productive discussion with our web design team who will have a better idea of what you want and how to best deliver it.
1. Can You Briefly Describe What You Do?
Your website is the first pitch to a potential customer and if they cannot figure out what you do in five seconds they will probably look for that service or product elsewhere. It can also make it incredibly difficult to design a website if we cannot understand what your company does. So be sure to have a brief, concise and accurate description in hand when you come meet with us. That way we can take your description and design a site that works for your business. Great web design revolves around simplicity and accuracy so, the more accurate your description, the better the design.
2. Can Other People Vouch For Your Business?
Testimonials offer a great way to boost your sales and improve the prestige of your business. It is also an additional section that we can add to your website which will make people more comfortable with the service you provide. The more comfortable they are the more likely they are to buy your product or service. That’s why considering the title is so important for great web design.
3. Do You Have Information to Provide that Will Set You Apart?
Customers love it when a company can provide information that will not only help them (and is relevant to what they are searching for) but that they may not have previously heard or thought about. In the sales process that information may be delivered by word of mouth, maybe a presentation, but on your website it will come out in your blog. So, before you meet with us, try to brainstorm some ideas or content that you would like us to cover in your blog. With the proper information we can work together to write quality, original content that will give you a boost your sites findability. If you have any further questions about the sales process or about great web design please feel free to give us a call at 516-535-5353 or e-mail us at sales@fatguymedia.com. We look forward to hearing from you!