
Festivize Your Holiday Social Media

Like it or not, summer’s bathing suit weather has snuck out, and the shivering, sweatshirt season is upon us. Although the green of the leaves is gone, the potential green in your pocket is right nearby. With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s time to ready the troops, get a game plan and stay ahead of the storm that is coming. Here are some tips to help with your holiday social media campaign. 

Plan Ahead

Doesn’t matter if you’re the local butcher or a nation-wide tech company, you should be stockpiling content and creating a content calendar for the upcoming holidays. If you are your company’s Social Media Coordinator, you have quite a daunting task ahead of you; these next few months are Showtime. During the holiday season, more than usual, companies will be fighting to capture and convert consumers. As the rule usually is for social media, you should be posting as often as you want to be found. For many companies, the holiday season is when you pull in the most business, so having a big base for your content will keep the craziness down a little bit. A content calendar will help keep everyone on the same page and give you a base model to go off of for posts and available offers. Confusion and craziness are inevitable, but you should be arming yourself with every available tool for your holiday social media campaign.

Keep It Fun

Your social media account, especially during the holiday season, should be fun and festive. Take down those blah cover photos and put up a festive one. During the holiday season, everyone wants the warm and fuzzies to put them in the holiday mood. Show the human-side of your business; how sick are you of the automated world we live in? That robot-voiced, automated answering machine shouldn’t look like it’s the one controlling your social media.—post pictures of your fun office events! Make your customers wish that they could be there with you. The holiday season is a chance for you to loosen up that tie, maybe leave the suit jacket in the closet and bring out that gaudy snowman sweater.

Time to Check Your List Twice

If you haven’t been keeping on top of it all year, it’s time to clean up that email marketing list. Those on the “Nice List” need that news; if they keep reading what you’re sending out, keep them in the loop. Those on the “Naughty List,” the inactive accounts that keep bouncing back messages, need to be cleaned up. Email marketing is often a tricky thing to stay on top of because the permission for many addresses in campaigns goes stale after about 6 months. When this happens, it is because many either forgot they signed up for it, they are getting too many emails, or what-have-you, but the result is invalid email addresses, spam complaints and maybe even some unsubscribes. One way you can fix this is to send out a reconfirmation of their email addresses, and what better time to convince people than before all of those holiday offers go out? Fixing up that email list will also uncover hidden opportunities. While you’re in that email list, why not segment it for increased targeting?

Add Incentives for Real-Time Engagement

The easiest ways to increase authority and reach for your social media is to get your campaigns shared. By creating incentives for your customers to pass-it-along, you are turning your customers to promoters. What better way to get your message to strangers than through a mutual friend? Create a plan, make an offer, increase traffic.   Gear up for the holiday season at your company and ramp up that holiday social media. The holidays give you a great opportunity to increase your holiday social media presence and bring in some new leads. If you are interested in having one of our pro’s help out with your social media or have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation feel free to give us a call at 516-535-5353 or e-mail us at sales@fatguymedia.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

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