Do I need a business blog? The short answer is: yes. If you’re looking to supersize your lead generation, then you’ll need to produce content consistently. It doesn’t matter if you have a website or if you’re just planning on starting an independent business blog on another platform (WordPress, Blogger, etc.), everyone needs a regular content schedule.
Do I Need a Business Blog? | Setting Yourself Apart
At Fat Guy Media, we love food (after all it’s how we got our name). We love that first-day-of-summer, nostalgia-inducing flavor of a charred cheeseburger. The crescendo of the traditional New Orleans po’boy. Yes, we even love the strange conglomeration of cuisines that is Southern California (if you’ve seen Roy Choi’s Kogi BBQ Taco Truck, you’ll know why). We also have a shared hatred of juicing. That nutritionally deficient, nouveau staple food of hipsterdom is the equivalent of the poorly written business blogs we (as customers) must sift through before we find something of substance.

So, if you’re asking yourself grudgingly, “do I need a business blog?” now is the perfect time for silent contemplation. It’s going to take time, energy and a painful amount of trial and error before you reap the rewards of your business blog. When the four hours you spent writing a blog turns into a page ranked on the 57th page of Google search you may be tempted to throw your computer into the deep fryer, book a flight to Alaska, become a member of Deadliest Catch and cast yourself headlong into the freezing depths of the Bering Sea. In this case, you may want to consider an alternative (i.e. Social Media Marketing or have someone do it for you). Those of you who are asking “do I need a business blog?” and are willing to put in the time will need to put together a menu (based on your products/services and the buyers journey) before you start posting. These questions should help if you’re looking to boost lead generation by 67%.
How often will I be able to post?
What questions are my customers asking and what keywords are they using?
What can I do to differentiate myself from the competition?
In short, don’t serve your customers something you wouldn’t want to eat yourself. Good cooking (and great blogging) require consistent craftsmanship. You do not need to be an artist. You don’t even have to be particularly gifted. You just need to provide your readers with enough flavor and sustenance to keep them coming back.