Twitter has changed, folks! Well… the design has changed, at least. But that’s huge, and the added features could open up different (and potentially more effective) ways for brands to engage with their followers. So with that, let’s take a look at the new Twitter redesign.
Birdhouse Renovation: The New Twitter Profile
Twitter has not rolled out a new profile in ages and it had started to show. While most social media platforms, namely Facebook and Google+, had abandoned strictly linear timelines, Twitter was still stuck on the outdated layout until this year. The biggest bird in social media realized that it was time for a full remodel of the old birdhouse and the new Twitter redesign looks great. Included in the remodel are the following renovations: a lager header, a section for most engaged tweets, a function that will allow users to pin tweets to the top of their timeline, as well as a section for trending topics. The now largely visual profile will create an open floor plan for Twitter-users to be able to enjoy a clutter-free profile page. Less clutter means it will be easier for your brand to put out information that you want potential consumers or clients to see as soon as they land on your profile. The main proponent of this will be the pinning feature. You can use this space to display the content that you feel will best attract and inform customers.
Interior Decorating: Every Birdhouse Needs Some Artwork
Do you consider yourself an aspiring collage artist? No? That’s okay, because it’s pretty much impossible to make a collage out of four pictures taken with an Android or an iPhone. Another cool addition to the Twitter redesign is that you can now upload four images in one post, and it won’t even affect your word count. That means you get all 140 characters plus four photos! The creative possibilities for your brand are endless. Put calls-to-action on your photos, create four panel stories that will engage your followers, or take pictures of new products and include a small text description. Just have fun decorating and let your creative mind loose!
Keep Your User-Generated Content Organized with Photo Tags
User-Generated Content paired with a social media platform that focuses mainly on engagement is any brand marketing professional’s dream. Twitter will now allow users to tag up to ten people in their photos, which can be extremely useful during photo-led social media campaigns. Users can post back and forth with your company on Twitter by using a company-specific photo tag. Let’s assume for a second you worked for Nike. You have a photo campaign with the hashtag #nikerunning, and encourage people to post pictures of themselves with that hashtag–you could be trending by the end of the day. The Twitter redesign allows for greater engagement with your followers, while also allowing you to conduct marketing campaigns that were previously impossible on the platform. Happy tweeting!