LinkedIn Publishing

Why LinkedIn Publishing is Worth your Company’s Time

After you’ve conquered Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, it’s time for you to take on the final frontier of social media marketing, LinkedIn. By now, you’ve undoubtedly heard of this business-oriented social networking site, but how much do you actually know about it? If you’re looking to learn more about this efficient platform, here are some tips for how your business can succeed with LinkedIn publishing.

How LinkedIn Publishing can Get your Brand Seen and your Message Heard


Just like so many other platforms, you won’t get too far with LinkedIn publishing if you aren’t telling users what action to take. A well-positioned call-to-action will help nurture leads and move prospects along the buyer’s journey.

All they need to do is provide relevant information about themselves in exchange for incentivized offers, like an eBook or white paper download.

LinkedIn Publishing

When you include a call-to-action at the end of your LinkedIn posts, you invite your audience to continue interacting with your brand by directing them into your company’s sales funnel. This will help you continue communicating with them about related deals and offers down the line.

However, just make sure your call-to-action aligns with your brand and the interests of your audience. For instance, if you’re a landscaping company, a lawn care guide would go a lot further than an insurance eBook. Otherwise, your audience would have no incentive to click-through and you may lose readers.


Adding eye-catching media like videos and images to your LinkedIn profile can be a great way to help your posts stand out. Furthermore, if you create original images and videos to reflect your company’s brand and mission, readers will suddenly become more aware of the products or services you offer.

LinkedIn Publishing

However, there are some essential ground rules. You can’t just post any type of photo that comes across your timeline. First of all, make sure that you own the rights to whatever media you publish.

Also, avoid using too many colors, fonts and multiple images as it will make your content seem unprofessional and distracting. Remember, LinkedIn is a social network for professionals. You won’t be posting the same things that you would on a fun and creative platform like Instagram or Facebook.

Expanding your Reach

Once you post an article on LinkedIn, you’re work doesn’t end there. People aren’t just going to stumble across your posts and read your content.

There are many advertising opportunities that the platform offers. For instance, you can promote your content across other social networking sites to improve visibility and positioning.

LinkedIn Publishing

Besides simply publishing your LinkedIn posts on other platforms, you can add some handy social sharing links to encourage readers to share your content with their own audience. And, if that person found your article helpful, chances are that their individual network will find interest with your content as well.

LinkedIn publishing isn’t an easy platform to conquer. However, with the right tips and guidance, you should be able to find success!

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