brand awareness

5 Quick Steps that Build Brand Awareness Fast

If your business is having difficulty gaining consumer recognition, you may have a brand awareness problem. But don’t worry, we have a few quick fixes for this common issue.

What is Brand Awareness?

According to HubSpot, “brand awareness is the level of familiarity that consumers have with a particular brand — its name, characteristics, logo, and anything else that might be strongly associated with it, as well as its goods and services. It’s especially important during a brand’s earliest days of formation and growth, as it can indicate and predict market share and differentiation from competitors.”

It can help you to:

  • Promote your business
  • Introduce new products or services
  • Build your business reputation
  • Differentiate your company from your competitors
  • Attract and retain customers

brand awareness

How to Run a Brand Awareness Campaign

1)      Learn about your Audience

The first step is to learn exactly who you want to reach. Your target audience will be determined through research about the demographics of your ideal customer. For example, details like age, location and income level will help you define the specific audience your marketing campaigns will target. Then, you will be able to tailor your content to reach them.

2)      Establish an Online Presence

If you want to truly take advantage of inbound marketing, you will need an online presence. You will need to have not only a website, but social media accounts, such as:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram

On these social media platforms, you can quickly and easily post content that relates to your business’ products or services. Then, potential customers may find you when they are looking for information online.

brand awareness

3)      Educate, Entertain and Delight

If you want people to recognize and remember your brand, you have to work for it.

Brand awareness can be built through content marketing campaigns that educate, entertain and delight potential customers.

Tips for Building Awareness

  • Create a distinct brand voice
  • Craft a compelling message
  • Be provocative
  • Engage your audience
  • Reinforce your message

4)      Promote your Content

Once you have developed great content, you will need to promote it to increase the size of your audience.

There are several effective promotional tools that are commonly used in digital marketing, including:

These tools can be used individually or in combination to raise awareness of your brand. For example, you could use SEO to help potential customers find your content online. And then, you could increase conversions by remarketing your business to those who have previously visited your website.

brand awareness

5)      Test and Revise your Campaigns

You may think that once your campaign begins, the real work is done. In fact, success in marketing is based on a continual pattern of testing and tweaking campaigns to achieve optimal results. For example, your campaign analysis may show that search engine marketing is delivering a lower rate of lead conversions than remarketing. Information like this can then help you reshape the direction of next quarter’s brand awareness campaign.

These five simple steps will help build awareness of your brand quickly. Before long, your company will have a digital presence that stands out from the crowd.

brand awareness

awareness, brand awareness, branding, digital marketing
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